Class Xth:Glossary "From The Diary of Anne Frank"

Musings- a period of reflection or thought

Listless- with no energy or interest, lacking energy or enthusiasm

Brooding- engaged in or showing deep thought about something that makes one sad, angry, or worried.thinking seriously

Prompted- provoke, encouraged 

Confide- to tell personal things privately to a person that one trusts

Liable- likely (here)

Enhance- intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.

Plunge- jump or dive quickly, to go into

Adorable- lovable, cute

Emigrated- leave one’s own country in order to settle permanently in another, went to settle

Plunked- to put down

Farewell- an act of parting or of making someone’s departure, goodbye

Intended- planned, thought of

Solemn- characterized by deep sincerity, serious, grave

Dedication- commitment, devotion

Quaking- shake or tremble, shaking because of fear

Staked- bet, chanced, put on bet

Pleading- to make an emotional appeal, requesting

Glances- take a brief or hurried look, looks

Outbursts- a sudden release of strong emotion, bursting out

Dummies- an object designed to resemble and serve as a substitute for the real or usual one, persons of low intelligence

Unpredictable- not able to be predicted; changeable, about which nothing can be predicted

Old fogey- an old fashioned person,dull

Assigned-given, entrusted with

Annoyed- slightly angry; irritated

Chatterbox- a person who likes to chatter; talkative

Jotted- write (something) quickly , put down together


Ramble- to talk or write at length in confused or inconsequential ways

Convincing- capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real; powerful, making agreeable

Trait- quality, characteristics 

Inherited- derived genetically from one’s parents or ancestors.

Inherited traits-features taken from one’s parents

Proceeded- to begin a course of action, went ahead/forward

Incorrigible- not able to be changed,incurably bad, not able to be mended

Mistress- a woman in a position of authority or control

Roared- laughed (here)

Exhausted- completely used up, completely tired 

Ingenuity- the quality of being clever, original and inventive,skill

Verse- writing arranged with a metrical rhythm, typically having a rhyme

Ridiculous- deserving or inviting derision or mockery; absurd

Contrary- opposite in nature, direction, or meaning

Quacked-spoke much

Stiff-backed-with a hard cover



Jot-write, put together


Plunked down-thrown down




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