Class Xth. Nelson Mandela:Glossary


Nelson Mandela

1 Dawned:- (of a day) began ,start off, set in, develop, come

2 Awe:- amazed ,dread, terror, fear

3 Deputy:-Second in command, subordinate, junior, auxiliary

4 Emancipation:- the fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions ,freeing, liberation, release

5 Stream:- a small, narrow river ,brook, flood, ford

6 Abided:- obeyed , bear, tolerate, swallow

7 Amphitheatre:-an open-air theatre, palaestra, stadium, circus

8 Apartheid:- a policy or system of segregation on grounds of race, bigotry, discrimination, illiberality.

9 Array:-an impressive display, arrangement, disposition, marshalling

10 Assembled :-(of people) gather together in one place for a common purpose, compiled, assembled, anthologized

11 Bedecked:- decorate , adorn, spruce, formalize

12 Besieged:-to be surrounded by , beleaguer, blockade, surround

13 Bondage:- the state of being a slave ,servility, enslavement, domination

14 Boyhood:- the state or time of being a boy , adolescence, childhood, juniority.

15 Chevron:- a pattern in the shape of a V badge, button, clasp,

16 Civil:- courteous and polite, decent, recherche, nice

17 Comrades:-a colleague or a fellow member of an organization, partner, fellow, companion

18 Confer:-grant ,provide, endow, bestow

19 Curtailed:- reduce; impose a restriction on,  diminish, mitigate, deduct

20 Defies:- refuse to obey, disobey, go against, flout

21 Deprivation:- the damaging lack of material benefits considered to be basic necessities in a society , decay, wastage, dilapidation

22 Despised:- hated, had a very low opinion of , detest, pish, nauseate , annoyance, impatience, or disgust.

23 Dignitaries:- a person considered to be important because of high rank or office, grandee, VIP, notable

24 Dignity:- the state or quality of being worthy of respect, prestige, dignity, standing

25 Discrimination:-being treated differently or unfavourably,  differentiation, partiality, partisanship

26 Erected:- build; construct, established, installed, founded

27 Frightened:- afraid or anxious , fearful, scared, apprehensive

28 Glimmer:- shine faintly with a wavering light , shine, glint, shimmer

29 Glorious:- having worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration, illustrious, famous, renowned

30 Glory:-honour, renown, kudos, reputation

31 Grimmest:- very serious or gloomy , ruthless, brutal, merciless

32 Illusion:- a false idea or belief , delusion, Fallacy, chimera

33 Inclination:- natural tendencies of behaviour , propensity, movement, aptitude

34 Indivisible:- unable to be divided or separated , Inseparable, Impartible, Indecomposable

35 Inevitably:-unavoidably, naturally, automatically, necessarily

36 Lyrics :- the words of a song , libretto, lines

37 Mealies:- a maize plant

38 Monk:- a member of a religious community of men typically living under vows of poverty, friar, hermit, anchorite

39 Obligations:- a duty or a commitment ,  devoir, debt, arrearages

40 On our own soil:- in our own country

41 Oppression:- prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority, harassment, persecution, tyranny

42 Overturned:- reverse, cancel, rescind, revoke

43 Overwhelmed:- have a strong emotional effect , uneasy, addled, restless

44 Pleasantly:-giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment; satisfying, soundly, rejoicingly, readily

45 Pledged:-committed (a person or organization) by a solemn promise, mortgage, and guarantee

46 Possession:- ownership, right, authority, power

47 Precision:- accuracy, reality, sooth

48 Prejudice:- a strong dislike without any good reason, detriment, harm, disadvantage

49 Profound:-very great or intense, deeply

50 Pushed to our limits:- pushed to the last point in our ability to bear pain …..............

51 Racial domination:- when people of one race have power over another race , anti-Semitism

52 Reassure:-say or do something to remove the doubts, persuade, indoctrinate.

53 Rebellion:- the action or process of resisting authority, convention or control,  revolt, uprising, insurgency

54 Reign:-govern, rule, sovereignty, monarchy

55 Resilience:- the ability to deal with any kind of hardship and recover from its effects, flexibility, pliability, elasticity

56 Sandstone:- a type of stone that is formed of grains of sand, limestone, granite, quartzite

57 Secrecy:- the action of keeping something secret, confidentiality, secrecy, furtiveness

58 Spectacular:- beautiful in a dramatic and an eye-catching way magnificent, spectacular, superb

59 Supremacy:- the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status, primacy, preponderance, ascendency

60 Sworn:- given under oath; determined to stay in the role specified,  promise, vow

61 Symbolized:-  be a symbol of , emblematize, stand for, personify

62 Trail:- series; chain, footpath, track, path

63 Transitory:- not permanent, built on sand, deciduous, evanescent

64 Triumph:- great victory or achievement , win, conquest, success

65 Troop:- soldiers or armed forces:-the army, the military, soldiery

66 Twilight:- half-light, semi-darkness , candle light, nightfall, halflight

67 Unimaginable:- difficult or impossible to imagine , implausible, unbelievable, undreamt-of

68 Unintended:- not planned or meant ,accidental, inadvertent, unexpected.

69 Unmindful:- not conscious or aware, unheeding of, neglectful of, unconscious of

70 Virtuous:- having or showing high moral standards , righteous, sacred, pious                                    

71 Yearned:- have an intense feeling or longing for something ,sulk, mope, yearn, sadden


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