Class Xth:- A Letter To God

 • Crest: Top of a hill

Dotted: Full Of

Downpour: Heavy Rain

Intimately: Closely, completely

Exclaimed- cry out suddenly in surprise, strong emotion, or pain.

Regarded- Consider Or Think Of In A Specified Way

Draped- Adorn, Cover, Or Wrap (Someone Or Something)

Hailstones- A Pellet Of Hail

Resemble- Have A Similar Appearance To Or Qualities In Common With (Someone Or Something); Look Or Seem Like.

Exposing- make (something) visible by uncovering it.; reveal

Amiable- Friendly And Pleasant

Predict :- forecast, future telling

Expression:- Appearance

Instructed :- told, taught

Troubled :- worried

Tap:- to strike lightly

Shake faith :- disturb the belief 

Charity :- donation , help

Bit:- Slightly, small

Deed:- Work, act

Slightest :- Minimum

Wrinkling:- Bend, fold

Blow:- Sudden stroke (by something)

plague- a destructively numerous inflow or multiplication of a harmful animal, infestation

locusts- Insects which fly in big groups and destroy crops

solitary:  Existing alone; lonely.

conscience- an inner sense of right and wrong, Mind, Moral sense

ox of a man- hardworking, very strong man

daybreak- The time in the morning when daylight first appears, morning

contentment- Satisfaction

goodwill- friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude

resolution- a firm decision to do or not to do something.

obliged- grateful

shower:- less quantity of rain

supper:- dinner

Approaching :- coming

Cent:- small money like paisa in India

Regarded :- looked

Evident:- became clear

Stuck to:- maintained, adhered to

Contentment:- Satisfaction

Denied:- Refused

Affixed:- pasted, fixed

Rest:- Remaining, Balance

Crooks:- Dishonest persons


A Letter To God 

by G. L. Fuentes

*Lencho’s house and crop*

Lencho lived in a valley. His house was the lonely house in the valley. It was situated on the top of a low hill. From there one could see the river and the fields.Lencho had a good crop.But the crop needed rains badly.

*It starts raining*

Lencho saw the sky in the north. The sky was full of rain clouds.His wife was preparing the dinner that time.He told her that God willing it would rain.Soon big drops of rain began to fall.Lencho went out to feel the rain on his body. He was very glad.He said that the drops of rain were new coins.

*Hailstorm and loss therefrom*

But soon the rain turned into hailstones. The fields became white as if covered with salt.The crop was totally destroyed. Lencho became sad. He felt that they would go hungry that year. Also they would have no seeds for the next crop.

*Lencho writes to God*

But Lencho had the last hope : help from God. He was sure that no one dies of hunger. He had a great belief in God. The following sunday he went to the post office. He wrote a letter to God to send him one hundred pesos. He wrote ‘God’ as the address.

*Postmaster collects money for Lencho*

An employee of the post office showed this letter to the postmaster. The postmaster laughed seeing the address.He wished to have such a faith in God. By reading it he found that the writer needed money. He took the letter seriously and to keep the faith of the writer in God unshackled,he asked all his employees to give some money in charity. He too donated a part from his salary.

*Money sent to Lencho*

The postmaster could collect only seventy pesos this way .He put the money in an envelope and addressed it to Lencho.He wrote a single word on it ‘God’ as signature.

*Lencho receives the money*

The following Sunday Lencho came to the post office. He asked if there was any letter for him. He was given that letter. Lencho was not surprised on seeing the money. He got angry when he counted the money. He felt that God could’not have made a mistake.

*Lencho’s letter to God, calls post office employees crooks*

Lencho wrote another letter to God. He put it into the mailbox. The postmaster opened it. Lencho had written to God in that letter that he had received only seventy pesos although he had asked for one hundred pesos. He asked God to send him the rest, but not through the mail.For him the employees of the post office were bunch of crooks who had stolen thirty pesos from the money sent by God.


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