Class Xth Glossary:- (1) Dust Of Snow (2) Fire And Ice (3) A Tiger In The Zoo (4) The Ball

          Dust of Snow

Dust of snow:- Fine particles of snow

Hemlock tree:- A poisonous tree, the poet  chose this tree  to present his mood and feelings

Rued:- Felt sad, held in regret 

The crow and hemlock tree represent sorrow and depression felt by the poet in his materialistic world

The dust of snow is the symbol of natural joy and energy.


Fire and Ice


Favour:- support, inclined towards

Perish:- Die

Suffice:- enough, sufficient

‘Fire’ in the poem stands for :-   greed, conflict, fury, cruelty, lust and avarice

‘Ice’ in the poem stands for insensitivity, coldness, intolerance, indifference, rigidity and hatred

Destruction:- destroy, Wiping out


A Tiger In The Zoo

1 Stalks:-follows, keek, espial, red baiting

2 Vivid:-bright colored,orient, splendent, flamboyant

3 Pads:-paws of tiger,padding, wadding, stuffing

4 Rage:-anger,rabidity, dander, virulence

5 Lurking:-To be hidden as to wait for your prey,lie low, hide, take cover

6 Snarling;-warning sounds made by animals,roll, thunder, brattle

7 Baring:-uncovered,unzip, unscrew, unpack

8 Fangs:-Sharp tooth of animals,nipper, grapnel, pincer

9 Concrete:-building made of bricks, cement, sand and water,firm, substantial, hard

10 Patrolling:-to guard, to vigil, watch over, patrol, guard

11 Plump:-fat,thick, bold, voluminous 

The Ball

1 Grief:-sorrow,weeds, lament, mourning

2 Rigid:-fixed,tenacious, resolute, rigid

3 Trembling:-shaking, vibration, oscillation, vibrancy

4 Harbour:-dock, port , anchorage ground, harbour

5 Intrude:-invader, shove, push into, drive in

6 Dime:-10 cents (U.S),copper, pennies, pin money

7 Worthless:-valueless, useless,in vain, gimcracky, hooey

8 Bouncing:-jumping over,vigorous, thriving, flourishing

9 Street:-narrow,path,alley, lane, alleyway

10 Merrily:-happily,pleasantly, with pleasure, rejoicingly

11 Ultimate:-final,ultimate, grand, ultima

12 Shaking:-trembling ,oscillation, vibrancy, pulse

13 Fixes:-overpowers ,decrepitate, torrefy, coat with

14 Staring:-looking keenly,screechy, screamy, shrill

15 Young days:-childhood days,bloom, flower of life, school days


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