Poetic Device used in the poem My Mother At Sixty Six


1. Name the type of poetic device used in the poem, “My Mother At Sixty Six” in general.

(a) enjambment (or Enjambment & End-Stopped lines) (b) zeugma   (c) repetition    (d) meter

2. Name the poetic / literary used in these lines:-

  • Sixty-Six”
  • “put that thought
  • smile and smile and / smile
  • mmother”
  • that she was as old as she looked but soon
  • put that thought away, and looked out at Young
  • Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out of their homes

(a) assonance       (b) alliteration (consonance)  

(c) calligram       (d) pun

3. Identify the poetic device used in these lines:-

·       …her face

ashen like that

of a corpse…

·       that she was as old as she

looked …

·       … I looked again at her, wane, pale

as a late winter’s moon

(a) metaphor (b)simile (c) assonance (d)repetition


4. Read the following line from the poem “My Mother At 66” and identify the poetic device used :-

·       … Young

   Trees sprinting

(a) metaphor (b) simile (c)personification (d) none


5. In this poem, the poetess uses the device of …………….. in line when she speaks ‘Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling out (energy and spontaneity) of their homes’ to show the contrary image of her mother’s age and approaching end.

(a) simile    (b) metaphor   (c) apostrophe   (d) none


6. The poet uses the device of ………………… in:-

·       ‘all I did was smile and smile and smile…….’.

·       that she was as old as she looked but soon
put that thought away, and
looked out at Young

(a) irony (b) repetition   (c) pun (d) metaphor


7. Identify the poetic device used in the following phrases used in the poem “My Mother At Sixty Six.

·       “merry children”     (freshness & liveliness)

·       “late winter’s moon”( death & old age)

(a) metonymy    (b) apostrophe    (c) simile    (d)none


8. “away, I looked again at her, wanpale

Identify the poetic device used in the above line.

(a)metonymy (b) imagery   (c) tautology (d)none


9. “all I did was smile and smile and smile …”.

Identify the poetic device with reference to the conjunction used in this line.

(a) polysyndeton (b) palilogy (c)imagery (d) none

10. “all I did was smile and smile and smile …”.                  The word ‘smile’ is repeated here. Identify this poetic device.

(a)polysyndeton(b) palilogy (c)metonymy (d)tautology

11. ‘late winter’s moon’ portrays the pale white colour of the moon during winters, comparable to the face of an aged person. Now identify the poetic device:-

(a)simile   (b)metaphor   (c)pun    (d)palilogy

12. Driving from my parent’s home
      To Cochin last Friday morning,

      I saw my mother beside me.

·       doze, open mouthed, her face ashen like that
of a corpse and realised with pain


Here we see the use of vowel sound that is ‘o, a, e’. Identify the poetic device.

(a)repetition (b) assonance (c)consonance (d)none


13.When the poetess says trees sprinting, merry children spilling, which type of poetic device do they symbolize:-

(a)repetition (b)assonance (c)consonance(d)imagery


14. The poem, ‘My Mother At Sixty Six’, does not follow any rhyme or rhythm. It has been written in …….

(a) free verse (b) ababb   (c) abcd (d) aabacc



















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