The Lost Child by Mulk Raj Anand

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वसन्त ऋतु के त्योहार पर एक छोटा लड़का अपने माता-पिता के साथ मेला देखने गया। वहाँ उसने उनसे एक खिलौना खरीदने के लिए प्रार्थना की। किन्तु उसके पिता ने बड़ी विनम्रता से उसे मना कर दिया। फिर उसने एक मिठाई वाले को, फूल बेचने वाले को, भिन्न-भिन्न रंग के गुब्बारे बेचने वाले को, फिर एक साँप के सामने बाँसुरी बजाते हुए मदारी आदि को देखा। बच्चा इन सभी वस्तुओं को लेना चाहता था। किन्तु वह भली प्रकार जानता था कि उसके माता-पिता उसके लिए कोई वस्तु नहीं खरीदेंगे। फिर वह एक झूले के निकट आया जो पूरे जोर पर था। पुरुष, स्त्रियाँ और बच्चे इसका आनन्द ले रहे थे और प्रसन्न दिखायी पड़ते थे। अतः अब वह अपनी इच्छा के वशीभूत हो गया और बहादुरी से उनसे प्रार्थना की,मैं झूले पर बैठना चाहता हूँ, कृपया मम्मी-पापा। किन्तु उसे कोई उत्तर नहीं मिला। वह अपने माता-पिता  को देखने के लिए मुड़ा, किन्तु वे वहाँ नहीं थे। उसके माता-पिता खो गए थे। वह जोर-जोर से चीखा। वह इधर-उधर दौड़ा। उसने एक मन्दिर के बाहर लोगों की बहुत भारी भीड़ देखी। वह उनकी टाँगों के बीच में से निकलकर दौड़ा। अपने माता-पिता की तलाश की किन्तु उनका कोई नामोनिशान भी नहीं था।

भीड़ में से एक आदमी ने उसकी रोने की आवाज सुनी और उसे अपनी गोद में उठा लिया। उस व्यक्ति ने उससे उसके माता-पिता के विषय में अनेक प्रश्न पूछे। किन्तु वह फूट-फूटकर रोता रहा और चीखता रहा, मुझे मेरी माँ चाहिए, मुझे मेरे पिता चाहिए। वह आदमी उसे झूले पर ले गया। मदारी के पास ले गया। गुब्बारा बेचने वाले के पास, फूल बेचने वाले के पास और मिठाई बेचने वाले के पास ले गया। किन्तु हर बार उसने उनकी ओर देखा भी नहीं। उसे केवल अपने माता-पिता चाहिए थे। अब उसके लिए प्रत्येक वस्तु बेकार थी।


Summary of the story ,”The Lost Child” 

Author of the story:-Mulk Raj Anand

Summary Courtesy:- Kevein Books and Review 

The Lost Child is a riveting short story by Mulk Raj Anand. A little boy and his parents are on their way to a village fair on account of a spring fair. The alley leading to the fair is alive with a vivid combination of colours and people.

The boy is happy and chirpy and walking between the big limbs of his father, between the long strides. As he can see there are toys in the shops lined along the way. He is captivated by the colourful toys of different sizes and shapes but in his observation he lags behind. So he runs ahead to be with his parents. When he expresses the desire to own one of the toys hanging from the shops, a cold stare from his father breaks his heart.

Suddenly, to break his attention from the lingering toys, his mother tenderly shifts his attention to the swaying muster field, which seems to be full of golden ripples – moving to and fro. The boy enters the field and begins chasing butterflies, black bees and dragon flies. But soon he is called back.

Once they approach the village hosting the huge fair, the boy is fazed by the intensity of the fair. He sees people thronging in from all the possible pathways. There he finds the world full of interesting and mind-diverting commodities and shops like sweetmeat seller, snake charmer, flower garland hawker, balloon vendor, etc. all await his discovery. He wished to posses everything, each item from each shop but deep down in his heart he is aware of his parents’ refusal. When he sees people whirl pooling and shrieking in a roundabout, he urges to sit in that. However when he turns to see his parents, he finds them nowhere in the sight. All of sudden the boy forgetting all the wonders of the world begins sobbing and screaming for his parents: I want my mother, I want my father!

Upon finding himself alone and bereft of parents, he runs here and there with no respite in sobbing. His turban comes off and clothes become filthy with sweat and mud. He tries to find them in the people who are busy laughing, jesting and moving all around. In search, he enters a temple through the gaps of people’s legs. There is so much commotion and milling around that he was about to being trampled by thousands of feet when a good man from the crowd lifts him up and asks him about his parents but the child only cries asking for his mother and father.

To sooth the moods of the weeping child the kind man takes him to every shop and stall where the boy previously went and craved for them but this time he refuses everything and asks only for his parents.

A child’s most sought-after prize is his parents, which he realizes after losing them in the milling crowd. In this story the child and his parents are nameless; in fact, the writer has named no one. Despite this, the story never goes dull at any moment, that’s the true beauty of storytelling.


Visit the websites, mentioned below, and solve MCQs based on the chapter " The  Lost  Child by Mulk Raj Anand".

Simply copy the link ,paste it in Google browser and attempt the questions:- 

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Text book question answer:-

1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?

The child saw a number of things on his way to the fair. He saw toys at the shops. Then he saw a flowering mustard field. He saw dragon flies and butterflies fluttering their wings  and  little insects and worms along the footpath.

The child lagged behind because he was captivated by  the things coming on his way to the fair. He followed the dragon flies and butterflies and tried to catch them. As he entered the grove, a shower of young flowers fell upon him. He stopped and tried to collect all of them. When he heard the dove, he ran in wild capers round the banyan tree looking for it. 

2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?


Question 2.

The child understanding his parents’ feelings, suppresses his own desires. Explain.

At the fair, the boy wanted many things. He wanted to buy the toys , sweets , garland of gulmohar flowers, balloon , watch the snake charmer playing flute to a snake and go for  a round in the roundabout.

The boy moved on without waiting for an answer because he knew his parents very well and was sure that his request would be denied as usual.

3. When does he realize that he has lost his way? How have his anxiety and insecurity been described?

At the roundabout, when he turned to request his parents to allow him to sit on the ride, he did not get any reply. When he looked around for them he realized he had strayed away from his parents and lost his way.

His anxiety and insecurity have been described through his reaction to his realisation that he was lost. Tears rolled down his cheeks, his throat became dry, his face flushed and convulsed with fear and he ran in all directions in panic without knowing where to go. His yellow turban came untied and his clothes became muddy.

4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?

The child lost interest in the things that he had wanted earlier because was lost in the fair. He was panic-stricken on being separated from his parents. He only wanted his parents now. All the things that attracted him in the fair no longer appealed to him because he wanted only his parents.

5. What do you think happens in the end? Does the child find his parents?

We are optimistic that child would have eventually found his parents with the help of the man who tried to console him by offering him various things at the fair. He seemed to be a reliable , sensible and kind  person. He would have asked the child for a description of his parents and helped him to unite with them. Also, the parents of the child  must have tried their best to find their child.

Extra question answer

Very short answer question:- 

What is the story “The Lost Child’ about ?

The story “The Lost Child’ is about a child who is lost in the fair.

What does the lost child represent ?

The lost child represents a human being lost  in this world.

Who is the disconsolate in the story The Lost Child ?

The lost child is the disconsolate in the story.

What does the phrase “gaily clad humanity” mean ?

Gaily clad humanity means people were wearing colourful dresses and happily going to the fair.

What was the attitude of the father towards the demands of the child ?

The attitude of the father towards the demands of the child was negative.

What happened as the child entered the grove ?

A shower of young flowers fell upon the child as he entered the grove. He began to gather the petals in his hands.

Short answer question :-

What are the things that he wants at the fair?

At first he wanted a burfi, then a garland of gulmohur flowers, next some colourful balloons, after that he was attracted by the snake charmer and finally he wanted a ride on the roundabout.

What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair?

He sees people gaily dressed, some on horses, some in bamboo or bullock carts and toys, dragon flies, insects, worms, flowers, and doves on his way to the fair. 

Why did the child move on from the flower shop without waiting for an answer?

The child moved on from the flower shop without waiting for an answer as he knew that his parents would say that the flowers were cheap and would not buy them for him. 

How was the behaviour of the man towards the child who lifted him up in his arms ?

The man hearing the groan of the child, lifted him up in his arms. The gentleman tried his best to soothe him. He wanted to buy many things for the child. His behaviour towards the child was very good.

How did the child feel while going to the fair ?

The child felt very joyous while going to the fair. He was attracted towards flowers, insects, birds and whatever he saw on the way.

Describe the condition of the boy when he had got separated from his parents.

The boy’s throat dried because of nervousness. He cried loudly. He felt afraid and ran here and there to look for his parents.

What do you think must have happened with the child in the end ?

I think the child must have met his parents in the end. The person who had saved him must have found them for him.

What made the father angry with his child ?

The child was always demanding. He was attracted by and wanted to get many things in the fair but his father did not want to provide him any of the things. The child’s regular demand for the things made the father angry. 

What did the child want after he had lost his father and mother ?

After the child had lost his father and mother, he wanted only his father and mother. He lost his interest in everything like roundabout, horse ride, juggler, garland, balloons and sweets.

What did the child do to find his parents ?

The child cried as loud as he could. He ran here and there looking for his parents. He looked for his parents at every crowded place.

Did the child request his parents to buy sweets ? Give reasons in support of your answer.

The child did not request his parents to buy sweets because he knew that they would not buy sweets and would say him greedy.

Why does the child move on without waiting for his parents’ answer whenever he asked for things that attracted him?

He moves on without waiting for an answer because he knew they would not pay attention to his demands or give him what he asked for.

How did the man try to quieten the crying lost child?

He first took him to the roundabout, then to the snake-charmer, next the balloon seller, after that to the flower-seller and finally to the sweetmeat seller, hoping to quieten the crying lost child.

Compare the reactions of the father and mother at the child’s request for a toy.

The father glared at him angrily ‘in his familiar tyrant’s way’ while the mother looked at him tenderly and tried to divert his attention from the toys.

What made the mother caution the child?

The fact that the child had wandered off into the mustard field trying to catch a butterfly made the mother call out to him to come back on to the footpath.

Long answer question 

Bring out the symbolic significance of the title of the story “The Lost Child’.


Do you think the title of the story is appropriate?


Explain the theme of the lesson The Lost Child’ briefly.

The title appropriately captures the essence of the story. The child goes to the fair with his parents. He wants to get all the things which he sees on his way to the fair. But knowing the nature of his father, he moves on. He does not like the nature of his parents. But when he is lost from his parents, he feels very anxious and insecure. He comes to know the importance of parents. The child who a moment ago is excited at and captivated by the sights and sounds of the fair suddenly loses interest in all those things once he realises that he is lost. In the same way, we don’t care for the things which we have but we cry for the things when we lose them.

The child is fascinated by the things in the fair and demands them. He takes interest in the things around. What does it reflect about joy's of Childhood.


Do you consider the child’s behaviour as depicted in the story normal? Give reasons for your answer.


Describe the character of the child as depicted in the story.

Courtesy :- 

Hindi summary:-


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